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Segiet Nature Reserve

Segiet Nature Reserve is situated between Bytom and Tarnowskie Góry. The surface of this area is changed significantly by the ore-mining activity. This is evidenced by numerous pits being caves left by former shafts. The nature reserve comprises three forest complexes represented by different beech tree forest types. The southern part of the reserve is covered by thermophilic beech forest (Cephalanthero-Fagenion). The trees are 130–150 years old, and the forest floor is a house to lily of the valley, periwinkle, European wild ginger, mountain melick, ground elder and early dog-violet. The northern part of the reserve is covered by acidophilic lowland beech forest with the trees of up to 150 years old. Its scanty forest floor houses hairy wood-rush, European blueberry and wavy hair-grass. The remaining part of the reserve is covered by fertile Carpathian beech forest.

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